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The climate of the planet we call home is changing. The climate has been changing ever since the earth formed <ref>http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-24021772</ref>. However, this period of climate change is different. Due to the fact that humans have been burning fossil fuels at a rapid rate, the levels of, amongst other pollutants, CO2 has increased drastically since the industrial revolution <ref>http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/science/human-contribution-to-gw-faq.html#.WT6dbROGORt</ref>. A large majority (around 97%) Integration of climate scientists agree that global warming renewable energy into the European energy grid is due to human actions <ref>https://climateessential in the transition from energy generation using fossil fuels towards renewables.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/</ref>. There is Several facts play a small minority role in the stalling implementation of politicians renewable energy sources, ranging from economic, social and other public figures who deny climate change, some going so far as to say climate change is not occurring at all <ref>https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/265895292191248385</ref>technical objections and challenges.
=== Irregularity of supply ===
The weather can vary from day to day, sometimes changing from sunny to overcast within mere hours. This makes it very difficult to rely on a single renewable energy source, the supply may take a downturn whilst the demand remains high. This poses a threat to the reliability of renewable energy and its supply. A solution can be sought in having back-up systems based on fossil fuels or finding a mix of (renewable) energy sources which can make for a steady supply of energy, even on cloudy days without too much wind. However, the advancement of technology may provide us with ways to supply all of our energy using renewable energy <ref>http://www.vanadiumcorp.com/news/blog/168-flow-battery-could-smooth-irregular-wind-and-solar-energy-supply</ref> <ref>https://corporate.vattenfall.com/about-energy/renewable-energy-sources/</ref>.Advancements in technology when it comes to storage of excess energy is another opportunity in improving the reliability of renewables. Storage of excess energy, particularly during periods of grid overload, can make the energy system more efficient.
=== Social objections ===