
Category:Heidelberg:ITRE I

127 bytes added, 14:52, 12 June 2017
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=== Political barriers ===
Climate change denialism is another major issue preventing the integration of renewable energy into the supply of heat, transport and household and industrial use. A lack of political incentive to take action for the integration of renewable energy is detrimental to the goal of reaching the Paris agreement of 2015 and the 2020 climate goals. Both national and European legislation is necessary in order to provide a fertile investment climate for corporations to invest not just in affairs that are profitable, but are also sustainable in the long term. Heavily intertwined with climate denialism in politics is the fossil fuel lobby. For instance, Royal Dutch Shell is the sixth biggest lobbyist in Brussels, writes the Guardian (2015)<ref></ref>.
=== Irregularity of supply ===
The weather can vary from day to day, sometimes changing from sunny to overcast within mere hours. This makes it very difficult to rely on a single renewable energy source, the supply may take a downturn whilst the demand remains high. This poses a threat to the reliability of renewable energy and its supply. A solution can be sought in having back-up systems based on fossil fuels or finding a mix of (renewable) energy sources which can make for a steady supply of energy, even on cloudy days without too much wind.