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DIRECTIVE In its energy and gas directives in 2009<ref></ref><ref></ref>, the EU set fundamental rules for an internal energy market, revising and expanding another directive from 2003.<br />In its energy efficiency directive from 2012<ref></72ref> it was decided to shift to a more energy efficient future for the EU's Energy Union and introduced its directive to deploy infrastructure for alternative fuels in 2014.<ref>http:/EC/ 32014L0094&from=EN<ref/><br /> 2012 was also the year when European Commission prepared for the roll-out of [[smart meters]].<ref></ref> They followed up with a recommendation for the data protetiction of deployed smart meters as well as smart grids in general.<ref></ref><br /> In preperation for the upcoming legal measures regarding smart grids and technology connected to it, the European Commission released a communication document in 2011, presenting various challenges connected to smart grids, such as