
Category:Heidelberg:ITRE I

19 bytes added, 12:28, 15 June 2017
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Stopping the detrimental effects of human-caused climate change is essential for the very existence of humankind and the planet as a whole <ref></ref>. The inhabitants of low-lying countries (e.g. Bangladesh, Vietnam and The Netherlands) have to live with the ever increasing danger of the rising seas. But not only low-lying countries face the imminent threat of climate change <ref></ref>. Climate change results in droughts, extreme weather and lower crop yields, all due to the ever-increasing burning of fossil fuels and emission of pollutants by humans <ref></ref>. It is essential to maintain the liveability of our planet, for humans and the many vulnerable species of animals and plants that provide the basis of ecosystems and our agriculture <ref></ref> <ref></ref>. The consistent increase of greenhouse gas emission <ref></ref> can only be stopped by human intervention, utilising legislation and international treaties in order to reach various goals concerning global warming. The very livelihood of all that inhabits our planet is at stake, making this issue very impending and pressing to solve on an international basis.
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== Key conflicts ==